Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Assets

A unique way to make a gift to the Walters is through appreciated securities.

Instead of a cash donation, support through a gift of appreciated securities allows you to make a tax-deductible gift at full market value, while avoiding the capital gains taxes that might be associated with a sale.

How It Works

Transfer shares of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds you have owned for more than one year to the Walters. Proceeds from the sale of your securities fund our education programs, conservation efforts, and help keep the museum free for all.

Transfer Instructions

The Walters Art Museum respectfully requests all donors of stock or their financial advisors please contact Erin Mellott, Manager of Individual Giving, at [email protected] or call 410-246-8203, to advise of any incoming gift of securities. Please provide the name of the stock and ticker symbol, the number of shares being transferred to the Walters, and the purpose for which the stock gift is intended. There are immediate sale instructions for all gifts of securities to the Walters.
