Learn strategies that support your student in inquiry based discovery.
The Parent and Educator Guides include lesson objectives as well as the related Common Core and subject area standards that are fulfilled by the Classroom Connect resources. Continue the conversation with your student by using open-ended questions that lead to robust family discussion. Use the extra credit tips to continue learning together
School programs at the Walters are funded through the generous support of Herman C. Bainder, The Ruth Carol Fund, City of Baltimore, B.J. and Bill Cowie, Citizens of Baltimore County, The Delaplaine Foundation, The Harry L. Gladding Foundation / Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Borden, The Goldsmith Family Foundation, Ro & Marius P. Johnson Charitable Legacy, Inc., Howard County Government and the Howard County Arts Council, L’Aiglon Foundation, Maryland State Arts Council, Maryland State Department of Education, Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds, Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker, Charles A. and Lois H. Miller Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, Dr. John J. and Jean Peters Pilch Memorial Fund, The Ruth T. Rauch Early Childhood Program Fund, The Rauch Foundation, Nora Roberts Foundation, The Ludwig and Nancy Sternberger Charitable Foundation, Toyota Financial Services, Truist Foundation, Venable Foundation, The Walters Women’s Committee Legacy Endowment, and the Gladys Winter Fund for Teacher Programs.